Piquersa - Trituradora Dear friends, this month we want to write about Waste Treatment Plants and the incredible work that Piquersa Sweepers develop in such areas.

These places have a high requirement regarding to ground cleaning due to the high volume and variety of waste that is accumulated every minute. We can say that this is a challenge that Piquersa achieves and approves which high note. This is not just our opinion. This is what our customers say.

What has prompted us to write this article is the special case of Almeria city, where the Waste Treatment Plant is managed by CESPA – FERROVIAL and a Piquersa sweeper is being used practically non-stop, for more than 15 years. The sweeper is BA-1500-AC, our simplest model; however the numbers are not so simple, but very difficult to match. They speak for themselves and it is worth sharing with you:

THE CHALLENGE: Street Cleaning at Waste Treatment Plants.
Piquersa - Barredora RSU
  • 15 years non stop working
  • 15 working hours per day – double turn
  • 60.000 working hours (total)
  • 700.000 square kilometers of sweeping area

These numbers reflect a Great Performance and this is due to Piquersa is a Great Sweeper.

¿What is the secret?

… less, is MORE

Piquersa Sweepers are characterized by their Simplicity, Resistance and High Performance.
Lets see more deeply:
  • A System based on 100% Mechanical sweeping: High efficiency with a simple design. Two lateral brushes and one central brush with 1,4 m length and 50 cm of diameter, that are able to drag and pick up any debris in its path. No matter the volume, weight or material.
  • Resistance to long Working Days, thanks to the high quality material that ensure a long life machine. The sweeper showed on this post is the best example.
  • As said before, they are 100% based on hydraulics and mechanical components with 0% electronics. The objective is to obtain an easy, quick and economic maintenance. It mainlyy consist on the replacement of oil filters and brushes. This permits to enjoy one of the lowest exploitation costs of the market.

… You will need a high provision of brushes, due to Piquersa never stops.

Piquersa - Barredora

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