The almeriense society just shipped four new concrete mixers with destination Tripoli Port.

Piquersa which is already working at borders countries, as Egypt, Algeria and Morocco, see how its presence is reinforced in the Mediterranean arc thanks to a new market opened, Libya.
Piquersa - Tripoli
The strong gas and petrol industry is consolidating the economy of the country as one of the most promising market of the following years. This issue is permitting the diversification of the economy towards to new economic sectors as the tourist one.

The four units of concrete mixers will be employed at the construction of a Hotel facilities in the surround areas of Tripoli.
The machines are involved in cleaning of Duqm Special Economic Zone (SEZAD).
The development of the Special Economic Zone (SEZAD) of Duqm in Oman, is one of the strategic objectives of the government of the country. This area has been characterized in the past year by the growth of business and expected in the near future enlargement of the area,?integrating fisheries in the fishing port. This has led to the need to optimize the cleanup and waste management service.

Piquersa - Sultanato OMAN

The Piquersa sweepers will carry out the cleaning work in the A1 sector area for the handling and processing of fish. The increase in the daily accumulation of waste has necessitated the granting of a specific cleaning contract and this is where the Spanish form comes into play, through their well-known dragging sweepers.

The concessionaire company has entrusted on Piquersa sweepers, considering the hard cleaning conditions in which they have to work at: a large volume of waste daily and the wide variety of them, among which are fish residues, paperboard boxes, cans and plastic, as an example. It is in these conditions where sweepers Piquersa offer the greatest benefit. This fact together with the ease of use and easy maintenance that they require, were the main reasons for the choice of machinery.

With a total area of 1,777 km2 and 80 miles of coastline on the Arabian Sea, the Duqm Special Economic Zone is the largest in the Middle East and North Africa . To Piquersa, the prospects to expand its presence in the country are encouraging, based on the second phase of development of the area, which proposes the integration of aquaculture related projects, together with plans and initiatives for fish flour plants and oil, e-commerce platforms and enhanced processing units cluster.
Villares de la Reina, municipality of Salamanca, will show cleaner since this month thanks to the incorporation in its cleaning services of a PIQUERSA BA-40.6 sweeper.

This municipality has entrusted the cleaning of its street to a PIQUERSA sweeper thorough open competition. The characteristic distribution of Villares, a historical district of narrow streets and a newly developed area with wide streets, needed of a big capacity machine but small dimensions as stated by the Deputy Mayor Miguel Ángel Pérez.

Piquersa - Villares de la Reina

The BA- 40.6 PIQUERSA meets these characteristics, offering more than 4 m3 capacity for waste and a very tight turning radius. Besides its third arm and rotating suction pipe allow cleaning of the areas hardest to reach. Its studied design, make the axle mass distribution is homogeneous even at full load, thereby reducing damage to the machine itself and delicate floors of historic areas. Even the 800 liters of water can be increased up to 1,800 liters for washdown works.

Each municipality has its own peculiarities and PIQUERSA thanks to its wide range of trailing suction sweepers, offers the best solution for every need. Over 25 years manufacturing and marketing cleaning solutions.
Las primeras nevadas ya están haciendo acto de presencia y con ellas se repiten los problemas de muchos municipios de montaña, el pueblo se ha quedado incomunicado. PIQUERSA ofrece una solución económica a todos estos municipios.

El Ayuntamiento de la Acebeda (Madrid), al igual que otros muchos, ha adquirido un dumper PIQUERSA con pala quitanieves y esparcidor de sal. A la polivalencia de un dumper autocargable PIQUERSA, se le añaden los beneficios de una potente hoja quitanieves de 1.800 mm. de ancho y un esparcidor de sal de hasta 6.000 mm. de ancho de trabajo. Las fuertes nevadas de los pueblos de montaña, hacen que los pueblos se queden incomunicados hasta que los equipos de protección civil despejan la nieve de la carretera principal. Pese a ello, los camiones de gran tamaño difícilmente pueden retirar la nieve de las calles interiores, lo que ocasiona graves problemas a los vecinos.

Piquersa - Ayuntamiento Acebeda - Quitanieves Un dumper autocargable PIQUERSA con hoja quitanieves y esparcidor de sal permite al ayuntamiento una rápida acción en la mayoría de las calles, sin necesidad de estar esperando a la llegada de otros equipos de mayor tamaño. Esta clara ventaja se une a las propias del dumper PIQUERSA, ya que gracias a su enganche rápido, permite realizar multitud de tareas de mantenimiento durante el resto del año.

La Acebeda lucirá este invierno mejor que nunca y con unos caminos libres de nieve tanto para sus habitantes como para los visitantes de esta bonita localidad de la Sierra de Guadarrama de Madrid.
Since past October, the beaches of Barcelona and Girona are cleaner thanks to the acquisition of two units of Cherrington Beach Cleaners, model 5450. Specifically, one unit is destined to the Caldes d’Estrac beach, at Bacelona city, and the other unit is working at Lloret de Mar beach (Girona) where another Cherrington Beach Cleaner has been replaced.

Limpiaplayas - Piquersa - Barlona - Gerona The new Cherrington 5450 substitutes the past model 5000 offering new features as a new John Deere engine and a new screeing system, that allows to collect any object bigger than screening size selected by the operator. Cherrington 5500 offers as standard equipment a closed cabin with air conditioning and a higher working load capacity.

Cherrington Beach Cleaner are highly used along the year since the Cleaning Company and both Municipalities have committed to keep the cleanliness and the perfect usage conditions along the four seasons of the year.

PIQUERSA is one of the leading companies providing beach cleaning machinery in Spain. This work is complemented with the Urban Cleaning of the seaside areas through the Piquersa Road Sweepers range, which allows the cleanliness of the area during the whole year.

PIQUERSA se ha convertido en uno de los proveedores de referencia de equipos para la limpieza de playas, que junto a las barredoras PIQUERSA, ofrecen unas playas y paseos marítimos limpios durante todo el año.

PIQUERSA Urban Cleaning Range of products is one of the widest into the sector. In this sense Piquersa guaranties to its clients providing different solutions for their own election.
Prueba de la gran aceptación de los nuestros productos en el continente africano es la incorporación de tres dumpers PIQUERSA modelo D-4000H a las obras de rehabilitación de la presa de JEBBA en NIGERIA.

Con este último envío realizado en el mes de julio nuestra marca consigue sumar un nuevo país a la lista de los que desde hace años, confían en nosotros: Argelia, Marruecos, Arabia Saudita, Jordania, Guinea Ecuatorial, etc. (actualmente con grandes avances en Gabón y Costa de Marfil).

En unos casos con la colaboración de empresas españolas ya establecidas, en otros directamente con importantes empresas locales que nos han transmitido su confianza día a día con nuevos pedidos.

La robustez, polivalencia y bajos costes de mantenimiento de nuestras barredoras y dumper-barredoras, las hacen especialmente atractivas a: Empresas de servicios, Ayuntamientos, Puertos, Aeropuertos, etc.

Nuestra maquinaria para obras: Dumpers, Auto-hormigoneras, Carretillas elevadoras, han encontrado igualmente el lugar que les corresponde en Empresas de construcción, Trabajos públicos, Reformas e incluso en Agricultura.

Piquersa - Antofagasta This morning, at the Antofagasta’s Municipality Square (Antofagasta, Chile), the Major Ms. Karen Rojo, together with the Cleaning and Beauty Director, Mr. Juan Esquivel, presented the new machinery that will take part in the cleaning workforce of the Chilean city, which is formed by four dumper trucks, two back-loaders and six PIQUERSA compact Road Sweepers, model BA-2000H, for the Urban Waste Management of the city.

The Cleaning and Beauty Director, Mr. Juan Esquivel, referred to this acquisition as “a strategic plan developed for attending consecutively the two divisions in which it is divided the Antofagasta cleaning map; this means, from Salvador Allende Avenue, achieving a better performance in the cleaning and waste management tasks” of this beautiful city.

This equipment represents the 80% of the total of the investment plan carried out by the city (900 million of Chilean peso), while it is still pending the reception of two small buses for the translation of the personnel and two big sweeping trucks.

The PIQUERSA model chosen is the BA-2000H, which represent an intelligent purchase in terms of Return of Investment. The high performance of this model is able to operate continuously in turns of 16 hours nonstop, with a very low maintenance requirement, based on petrol and oil.
Piquersa - ba2000h
This PERFORMANCE capability, combined with the low MAINTENANCE and DURABILITY along the years had been the decision elements for this Municipality and in Piquersa we all are proud and happy to be collaborating into the cleaning project of in this lovely Andean city called the Northern Pearl that we hardly recommend to visit.

Massive participation in the presentation of new product of PIQUERSA held in Almería on 8 and 9 May.

Piquersa - Jornadas - Mayo 2013 The 8th and 9th of May, PIQUERSA held at its main facilities in Almeria, a presentation of the new range of suction sweepers 360E BA-BA-BA-20.4 and 40.6 and a new drag model sweeper PIQUERSA BA-6000H.

On the first day, the conference was attended by many representatives of public sector such as members of Diputación and City Hall of Almeria. At this meeting, were also present the delegates from all major service companies in the country, as well as direct customers.

The second day, PIQUERSA was visited by the whole Spanish distributors network, that in many cases they were accompanied by direct clients. Even some foreign partners not want to miss the event.

The conference began with a presentation of new products of PIQUERSA and a later visit to the manufacturing area. After this, it was realized a demonstration of the units. During the day the visitors could check at site, the benefits of the products presented, in addition to operating each of the machines.

Mercaolid, a market area with 120.000 m2 and 145 food companies implies a hard cleaning task for the company.

Piquersa - Eulen - Valladolid

EULEN is a Spanish leading company operating into the Industrial Cleaning Sector with large experience with Road Sweepers. The cleaning tasks at places like food markets requires large capacity machines, able to remove big and heavy objects such as boxes or packaging and at the same time, being able to collect small and heavy residues like fruits or vegetables residues. And after finishing this hard work, it is required a fine cleaning of the entire surface.

Based on the experience, EULEN has trusted in PIQUERSA sweepers that allows the company to meet the high standards of cleanliness required, combining speed and economy at work. EULEN also has chosen PIQUERSA for other cleaning services, combining high performance with reduced maintenance costs.

This experience at MERCAOLID (Valladolid’ food market, Spain), where EULEN is operating, is an example about how cleaning companies has chosen the Green Force of PIQUERSA SWEEPERS for delivering the cleaning service in other market areas like MERCA-MÁLAGA, MERCA-SALAMANCA or MERCA-MADRID.

Units sold will operate at different cities in the Caribbean country.

Piquersa - Cuba

The international market orientation is leading the strategy of PIQUERSA several years ago. The result of this policy has been a recent contract for supplying eighteen units of dumpers destined to the construction industry and public works in Cuba.

This operation opens the door to a market with high potential, where the construction sector continued to grow moderately despite the context of global crisis.

Increased tourism to record levels in 2012 and the need for infrastructure is an opportunity that Piquersa is ready to take advantage of. The collaboration between the manufacturer and a local partner has been a key factor to enabling this deal. It is expected that in March, Piquersa technicians will move the country for an official delivery, as well as a presentation of its range of products.

This time, the machines acquired had been the models of dumper D-1750 and D-1750-AC, models intended for earthmoving works, where the values of the Spanish brand ??are perfectly represented: durability, easy maintenance and versatility. These values have been the basis for the development of the company at the international market.

With the entry into this new market, Piquersa reinforces its presence and brand recognition in Central and South America where for several years the company has developed a distribution network that supports its commercial activity and products representation.





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